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What Is the Word for Mother in Hebrew

Strong's Concordance

em: a mother

Original Word: אֵם
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: em
Phonetic Spelling: (ame)
Definition: a mother

NAS Exhaustive Concordance

Word Origin
from an unused word
a mother
NASB Translation
infancy* (1), mother (145), mother's (67), mothers (5), mothers' (1), parting (1).


אֵם 221 noun feminine mother (Phoenician אם, Arabic , Ethiopic , Sabean אם (only in proper names compare e. g. BaeRel 118) Assyrian ummu COTGloss; Aramaic אֵם, אִימָּא, ) — ׳ א absolute Genesis 32:12 +; construct Genesis 3:20 +; suffix אִמִּי Genesis 20:12 + etc.; plural only suffix אִמֹּתֵנוּ Lamentations 5:3; אִמֹּתָם Jeremiah 16:3; Lamentations 2:12 (twice in verse); —

1 literal (human) mother, as parent Genesis 20:12; Genesis 32:12; Genesis 44:20; Exodus 2:8; Psalm 51:7; Psalm 113:9 ( opposed to עֲקֶרֶת) Jeremiah 15:8,10; Jeremiah 20:14; Jeremiah 22:26; Jeremiah 50:12; 1 Chronicles 4:9; Songs 6:9; Songs 8:5 +; hence of Eve אֵם כָּלחָֿ֑י Genesis 3:20; in poetry of birth, יָצָא מִבֶּטֶן אֵם Job 1:21; Ecclesiastes 5:14; יָצָא מֵרֶחֶם אֵם Numbers 12:12 compare Psalm 139:13 (Jeremiah 20:18 &) מִמְּעֵי אִמִּי גּוֺזִי Psalm 71:6 (subject ׳ י, compare גחה Psalm 22:10; > גּוֺזִי = my benefactor from birth Thes Ew Hup Pe); also וַתְּהִי אִמִּי קִבְרִי Jeremiah 20:17; מִבֶּטֶן אֵם = from earliest existence Judges 16:17; Job 31:18; Psalm 22:11; so מִמְּעֵי אֵם Isaiah 49:1; as giving suck Songs 8:1 (שְׁדֵי אֵם) Psalm 22:10; compare Psalm 131:2 (see Exodus 2:9 compare Exodus 2:8); as exercising authority Genesis 21:21; Genesis 24:28; Genesis 27:11,13,14; Judges 17:2 f Ruth 1:8; Songs 3:4; Songs 8:2 etc.; especially of queen-mother as possessing dignity & influence 1 Kings 1:11; 1 Kings 2:13,19,20; 2Chronicles 22:2,3; Songs 3:11; Proverbs 31:1; compare names of mo-thers of kings of Judah 1 Kings 14:21,31; 1 Kings 15:2,10,13 +; as shewing love & care 1 Samuel 2:19; 1 Kings 3:27; 1 Kings 17:23; 2 Kings 4:30; Isaiah 66:13 (simile of ׳ יs comforting his people; compare also Genesis 27:45); as beloved & lamented 1 Kings 19:20 ("" אָב) Genesis 24:67; Psalm 35:14; בֶּןאִֿמּוֺ = own (uterine) brother Genesis 43:29; & "" אָח Genesis 27:29; Deuteronomy 13:7; Judges 8:19; Psalm 50:20; Psalm 69:9; Songs 1:6; compare Songs 8:1; so בַּתאִֿמּוֺ Leviticus 18:9; Leviticus 20:17; Deuteronomy 27:22 ("" בַּתאָֿבִיו) Genesis 20:12; often with אָב, as parentes Jeremiah 16:3; Zechariah 13:3 (twice in verse); Isaiah 8:4; as rightfully claiming honour, authority, etc., compare above, Genesis 28:7 (P) compare Genesis 37:10 (E) Judges 14:2 f, so in precept Proverbs 1:8; Proverbs 6:20; Proverbs 10:1; Proverbs 15:20 etc. compare Ezekiel 22:7; laws enjoining these Exodus 20:12 = Deuteronomy 5:16; Leviticus 19:3 compare Deuteronomy 22:15; laws prohib. contrary Exodus 21:15,17 (E) Leviticus 20:9 (twice in verse) (H) Deuteronomy 21:18,19; Deuteronomy 27:16; laws as to mourning for Leviticus 21:2,11 (H) Numbers 6:7 (P) compare Jeremiah 16:7; Ezekiel 44:25; left for wife Genesis 2:24; for mother-in-law Ruth 2:24; for husband Deuteronomy 21:13 (law for captive women); compare Deuteronomy 33:9 (of devoted service of Levites); loving, caring for children Proverbs 4:3 (on the opposite compare Psalm 27:10); loved, cared for Joshua 2:13 compare Joshua 2:18; Joshua 6:23. 1 Samuel 22:3; 1 Kings 19:20 compare 2 Samuel 19:38.

2 figurative of Deborah as caring for her people אֵם בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל Judges 5:7 (compare אָב Isaiah 22:21; Job 29:16); so of a city 2 Samuel 20:19 ('stock, race, community' RSK 28 compare Proph. iv. n 8); of Israel Hosea 2:4; Hosea 2:7; Hosea 4:5; compare Hosea 10:14; of Judah Isaiah 50:1 (twice in verse); of Hittite as mother of Jerusalem אָבִיךְ הָאֱמֹרִי וְאִמֵּךְ חִתִּית Ezekiel 16:3,45 compare Ezekiel 16:44; Ezekiel 16:45; also Ezekiel 19:2,10 & see Ezekiel 23:2.

3 of animals , dam Exodus 22:29 (of ox & sheep) Leviticus 22:27 (of bullock, sheep, or goat); Exodus 23:19 = Exodus 34:26 = Deuteronomy 14:21 (of kid); mother-bird Deuteronomy 22:6 (twice in verse); Deuteronomy 22:7; figurative Job 17:14 לַשַּׁחַת קָרָאתִי אָבִי אָ֑תָּה אִמִּי וַאֲחֹתִי לָרִמָּֽה ׃.

4 = point of departure or division אֵם הַדֶּרֶךְ Ezekiel 21:26. ("" ראֹשׁ שְׁנֵי הַדְּרָכִים).

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance

dam, mother, parting

A primitive word; a mother (as the bond of the family); in a wide sense (both literally and figuratively (like 'ab) -- dam, mother, X parting.

see HEBREW 'ab

Forms and Transliterations

אִ֝מְּךָ֗ אִ֝מִּ֗י אִ֝מּ֗וֹ אִ֠מֶּךָ אִ֠מּוֹ אִ֭מִּי אִמְּךָ֖ אִמְּךָ֙ אִמְּךָ֛ אִמְּךָ֣ אִמְּךָ֥ אִמְּכֶ֣ן אִמְּכֶֽם׃ אִמְּכֶם֙ אִמִּ֑י אִמִּ֔י אִמִּ֖י אִמִּ֗י אִמִּ֣י אִמִּ֥י אִמִּֽי׃ אִמִּי֙ אִמֵּ֜ךְ אִמֵּ֣ךְ אִמֶּ֑ךָ אִמֶּ֔ךָ אִמֶּֽךָ׃ אִמָּ֑הּ אִמָּ֔ם אִמָּ֖הּ אִמָּ֤הּ אִמֹּתֵ֖ינוּ אִמֹּתָ֞ם אִמֹּתָֽם׃ אִמּ֑וֹ אִמּ֔וֹ אִמּ֖וֹ אִמּ֗וֹ אִמּ֛וֹ אִמּ֜וֹ אִמּ֡וֹ אִמּ֤וֹ אִמּֽוֹ׃ אִמּוֹ֒ אִמּוֹ֙ אִמּוֹ֩ אֵ֑ם אֵ֖ם אֵ֛ם אֵ֝֗ם אֵ֣ם אֵ֣ם ׀ אֵ֥ם אֵֽם־ אֵם־ אם אם־ אמה אמו אמו׃ אמי אמי׃ אמך אמך׃ אמכם אמכם׃ אמכן אמם אמתינו אמתם אמתם׃ בְאִמְּכֶם֙ בְאִמָּ֔הּ באמה באמכם הָאֵ֔ם הָאֵ֖ם האם וְאִמְּךָ֣ וְאִמִּ֑י וְאִמִּ֣י וְאִמִּי֙ וְאִמֵּ֗ךְ וְאִמֵּ֥ךְ וְאִמֶּ֑ךָ וְאִמָּ֑הּ וְאִמָּ֔הּ וְאִמּ֑וֹ וְאִמּ֔וֹ וְאִמּ֖וֹ וְאִמּ֗וֹ וְאִמּ֛וֹ וְאִמּ֜וֹ וְאִמּ֤וֹ וְאֵם֙ וְהָאֵ֤ם וָאֵ֑ם וָאֵם֙ וּ֠לְאֵם וּכְאִמּ֑וֹ וּלְאִמִּ֔י וּלְאִמִּ֛י וּלְאִמָּֽהּ׃ וּלְאִמּ֔וֹ וּלְאִמּ֖וֹ וּלְאִמּ֗וֹ וּלְאִמּוֹ֙ ואם ואמה ואמו ואמי ואמך והאם וכאמו ולאם ולאמה׃ ולאמו ולאמי כְּאִמָּ֖ה כאמה לְאִמָּ֔הּ לְאִמֹּתָם֙ לְאִמּ֑וֹ לְאִמּ֖וֹ לְאִמּ֗וֹ לְאִמּ֡וֹ לְאִמּ֣וֹ לְאֵ֣ם לאם לאמה לאמו לאמתם 'êm 'êm- 'im·māh 'im·mām 'im·me·ḵā 'im·mə·ḵā 'im·mə·ḵem 'im·mə·ḵen 'im·mêḵ 'im·mî 'im·mō·ṯām 'im·mō·ṯê·nū 'im·mōw 'immāh 'immām 'immêḵ 'immeḵā 'imməḵā 'imməḵem 'imməḵen 'immî 'immōṯām 'immōṯênū 'immōw ḇə'immāh ḇə'imməḵem ḇə·'im·māh ḇə·'im·mə·ḵem em hā'êm hā·'êm haEm imMah imMam imMech imMecha immeChem immeChen imMi imMo immoTam immoTeinu kə'immāh kə·'im·māh keimMah lə'êm lə'immāh lə'immōṯām lə'immōw lə·'êm lə·'im·māh lə·'im·mō·ṯām lə·'im·mōw leEm leimMah leimMo leimmoTam ū·ḵə·'im·mōw ū·lə·'êm ū·lə·'im·māh ū·lə·'im·mî ū·lə·'im·mōw ucheimMo ūḵə'immōw ūlə'êm ūlə'immāh ūlə'immî ūlə'immōw Uleem uleimMah uleimMi uleimMo vaEm veEm vehaEm veimMah veimMech veimmeCha veimmeChem veimMi veimMo wā'êm wā·'êm wə'êm wə'immāh wə'immêḵ wə'immeḵā wə'imməḵā wə'immî wə'immōw wə·'êm wə·'im·māh wə·'im·me·ḵā wə·'im·mə·ḵā wə·'im·mêḵ wə·'im·mî wə·'im·mōw wə·hā·'êm wəhā'êm


Interlinear Greek • Interlinear Hebrew • Strong's Numbers • Englishman's Greek Concordance • Englishman's Hebrew Concordance • Parallel Texts

Englishman's Concordance

Genesis 2:24
HEB: אָבִ֖יו וְאֶת־ אִמּ֑וֹ וְדָבַ֣ק בְּאִשְׁתּ֔וֹ
NAS: his father and his mother, and be joined
KJV: his father and his mother, and shall cleave
INT: A man his father and his mother and be joined to his wife

Genesis 3:20
HEB: הִ֥וא הָֽיְתָ֖ה אֵ֥ם כָּל־ חָֽי׃
NAS: because she was the mother of all
KJV: Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
INT: he become was the mother of all living

Genesis 20:12
HEB: לֹ֣א בַת־ אִמִּ֑י וַתְּהִי־ לִ֖י
NAS: but not the daughter of my mother, and she became
KJV: but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.
INT: not the daughter of my mother became my wife

Genesis 21:21
HEB: וַתִּֽקַּֽח־ ל֥וֹ אִמּ֛וֹ אִשָּׁ֖ה מֵאֶ֥רֶץ
NAS: of Paran, and his mother took
KJV: of Paran: and his mother took
INT: of Paran took and his mother A wife the land

Genesis 24:28
HEB: וַתַּגֵּ֖ד לְבֵ֣ית אִמָּ֑הּ כַּדְּבָרִ֖ים הָאֵֽלֶּה׃
NAS: and told her mother's household
KJV: and told [them of] her mother's house
INT: and told household her mother's things these

Genesis 24:53
HEB: נָתַ֥ן לְאָחִ֖יהָ וּלְאִמָּֽהּ׃
NAS: to her brother and to her mother.
KJV: also to her brother and to her mother precious things.
INT: gave to her brother her mother

Genesis 24:55
HEB: וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אָחִ֙יהָ֙ וְאִמָּ֔הּ תֵּשֵׁ֨ב הַנַּעֲרָ֥
NAS: But her brother and her mother said,
KJV: And her brother and her mother said,
INT: said her brother mother stay the girl

Genesis 24:67
HEB: הָאֹ֙הֱלָה֙ שָׂרָ֣ה אִמּ֔וֹ וַיִּקַּ֧ח אֶת־
NAS: brought her into his mother Sarah's
KJV: brought her into his mother Sarah's
INT: tent Sarah's his mother took Rebekah

Genesis 24:67
HEB: יִצְחָ֖ק אַחֲרֵ֥י אִמּֽוֹ׃ פ
NAS: after his mother's death.
KJV: after his mother's [death].
INT: Isaac after his mother's

Genesis 27:11
HEB: אֶל־ רִבְקָ֖ה אִמּ֑וֹ הֵ֣ן עֵשָׂ֤ו
NAS: answered his mother Rebekah,
KJV: to Rebekah his mother, Behold, Esau
INT: about Rebekah his mother Behold Esau

Genesis 27:13
HEB: וַתֹּ֤אמֶר לוֹ֙ אִמּ֔וֹ עָלַ֥י קִלְלָתְךָ֖
NAS: But his mother said
KJV: And his mother said
INT: said his mother unto your curse

Genesis 27:14
HEB: וַיִּקַּ֔ח וַיָּבֵ֖א לְאִמּ֑וֹ וַתַּ֤עַשׂ אִמּוֹ֙
NAS: [them], and brought [them] to his mother; and his mother
KJV: and brought [them] to his mother: and his mother
INT: and got and brought his mother made and his mother

Genesis 27:14
HEB: לְאִמּ֑וֹ וַתַּ֤עַשׂ אִמּוֹ֙ מַטְעַמִּ֔ים כַּאֲשֶׁ֖ר
NAS: [them] to his mother; and his mother made
KJV: [them] to his mother: and his mother made
INT: his mother made and his mother savory after

Genesis 27:29
HEB: לְךָ֖ בְּנֵ֣י אִמֶּ֑ךָ אֹרְרֶ֣יךָ אָר֔וּר
NAS: of your brothers, And may your mother's sons
KJV: over thy brethren, and let thy mother's sons
INT: bow sons and may your mother's Cursed curse

Genesis 28:2
HEB: בְתוּאֵ֖ל אֲבִ֣י אִמֶּ֑ךָ וְקַח־ לְךָ֤
NAS: of Bethuel your mother's father;
KJV: of Bethuel thy mother's father;
INT: of Bethuel father your mother's take there

Genesis 28:2
HEB: לָבָ֖ן אֲחִ֥י אִמֶּֽךָ׃
NAS: of Laban your mother's brother.
KJV: of Laban thy mother's brother.
INT: of Laban brother your mother's

Genesis 28:5
HEB: אֲחִ֣י רִבְקָ֔ה אֵ֥ם יַעֲקֹ֖ב וְעֵשָֽׂו׃
NAS: of Rebekah, the mother of Jacob
KJV: Jacob's and Esau's mother.
INT: the brother of Rebekah the mother of Jacob and Esau

Genesis 28:7
HEB: אָבִ֖יו וְאֶל־ אִמּ֑וֹ וַיֵּ֖לֶךְ פַּדֶּ֥נָֽה
NAS: his father and his mother and had gone
KJV: his father and his mother, and was gone
INT: his father and his mother gone to Paddan-aram

Genesis 29:10
HEB: לָבָן֙ אֲחִ֣י אִמּ֔וֹ וְאֶת־ צֹ֥אן
NAS: of Laban his mother's brother,
KJV: of Laban his mother's brother,
INT: of Laban brother his mother's and the sheep of Laban

Genesis 29:10
HEB: לָבָ֖ן אֲחִ֣י אִמּ֑וֹ וַיִּגַּ֣שׁ יַעֲקֹ֗ב
NAS: of Laban his mother's brother,
KJV: of Laban his mother's brother,
INT: of Laban brother his mother's went Jacob

Genesis 29:10
HEB: לָבָ֖ן אֲחִ֥י אִמּֽוֹ׃
NAS: of Laban his mother's brother.
KJV: of Laban his mother's brother.
INT: of Laban brother his mother's

Genesis 30:14
HEB: אֶל־ לֵאָ֖ה אִמּ֑וֹ וַתֹּ֤אמֶר רָחֵל֙
NAS: and brought them to his mother Leah.
KJV: and brought them unto his mother Leah.
INT: about Leah to his mother said Rachel

Genesis 32:11
HEB: יָב֣וֹא וְהִכַּ֔נִי אֵ֖ם עַל־ בָּנִֽים׃
NAS: and attack me [and] the mothers with the children.
KJV: and smite me, [and] the mother with
INT: will come and attack me the mothers with the children

Genesis 37:10
HEB: נָב֗וֹא אֲנִי֙ וְאִמְּךָ֣ וְאַחֶ֔יךָ לְהִשְׁתַּחֲוֹ֥ת
NAS: that you have had? Shall I and your mother and your brothers
KJV: that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren
INT: come I mother and your brothers to bow

Genesis 43:29
HEB: אָחִיו֮ בֶּן־ אִמּוֹ֒ וַיֹּ֗אמֶר הֲזֶה֙
NAS: Benjamin, his mother's son,
KJV: Benjamin, his mother's son,
INT: his brother son his mother's said is this

What Is the Word for Mother in Hebrew
