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Sap Solution Manager Incident Management Configuration Guide


This document will focus on the different guided procedures and activities that you need to complete to get the Incident Management scenario correctly configured for SAP Solution Manager 7.1.

Screenshots are taken from a SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP13 system.


There are activities in the different guided procedures that need to be configured in order to get the Incident Management scenario correctly configured.

See in bold letters the most important activities for the Incident management scenario.

System Preparation

This needs to be performed in its entirety after the SAP Solution Manager system has been installed and/or upgraded from SAP Solution Manager 7.0.

After installing a new SP/FP you need to update the indicated activities that present column "Update Needed" flagged.

1. Maintain users

2. Check installation

3. Specify Connectivity Data; SAPOSS, SAP-OSS and SAP-OSS-LIST-O01 are created

4. Implement SAP Note

5. Configure Connectivity – only 5.6. Configure SAP Connect

6. Prepare Landscape Description

6.1. Select  SLD

6.2. Set Up LMDB

6.3. Set Up SAP Solution Manager

6.4. Migrate SMSY Data into LMDB

6.5. Configure automatically

Basic Configuration

Needs to be performed after new installations and after support packages to perform delta configuration.

1. Specify Solution

2. Specify User & Connectivity Data

2.1. Specify SAP BW Systems

2.2. Set Up Credentials

2.3. Maintain Users

2.4. Solution Manager Internal Connectivity

4. Configure Manually

- Enable Work Center Authorization Check

- Enable Remote HTTP Connection

- Enable Remote R/3 Connection

- Import Calendar Entries

- Schedule Application Log Cleanup

- Deactivate BDocs Creation

5. Configure Automatically

- Activate BW Source System

- Store BW settings

- Check BW Work Processes Mandatory

- Activate BW content for RCA Mandatory

- BW Content Activation (UPL)

- Connection to SAP

- Enable Solution Manager Usage

- SSO Setup

- Maintain RFC from BW to SolMan

- Customizing of BW read access

- Setup Extractor Framework

- Schedule Sol. Manager Background Jobs

- Schedule NetWeaver Standard Jobs

- Activate Piece Lists

After installing a new SP/FP you need to run this activity again to get the latest standard customizing. This piece list contains the default configuration for Incident Management. The SAP default customizing will be copied from client 000 to your logon client from where you call solman_setup and overwrite only SAP customizing. This activity has no effect on customer configuration and has to be run after each Support Patch import.

Because of this it is VERY IMPORTANT that you copy all transaction types into your own namespace or <Z>, <Y> namespace before starting to use Incident Management. Copy transaction types, copy status profiles, action profiles, etc… if not, your modifications to the standard will be overwritten after the next support package import. So, when using standard customizing, you should copy all standard entries into your own namespace or <Z>, <Y> namespace. This is really important and mandatory in Solman 7.1!

- Create External Aliases

- Activate Services

- Prepare Business Partner Change

- Generate Business Partner Screen

- Prepare SAProuter Data

- Work Centers Query Refresh

7. Maintain Systems in IBase, all activities

Ensure that have implemented the latest version of note 1935934 "Various problems when creating IBase components and objects" before starting the execution of the activities in the point.

8. Create Scenario Configuration Users

For IM you need to create user SMC_IM_SQ7 although user SOLMAN_ADMIN will be also valid for configuration.

Managed Systems Configuration

With the Managed Systems Configuration, you connect the required systems to SAP Solution Manager:

- To configure a single system, choose the Technical System tab page

- To configure a double (ABAP and Java) stack system, choose the Technical Scenario tab page ( Technical scenarios need to be created manually first)

- To configure a standalone database, choose the Database tab page, select the system and click on System Operations->Maintain system. This will open the system in LMDB where you can create the RFC connections in Destination->RFC Maintenance

For Incident Management scenario you only need to create the BACK connections from the managed system to the Solman system if incidents can be created in the managed system via Help-> Create Support Message.

Also in the managed systems in SM 30, view BCOS_CUST, make the following settings for application OSS_MSG:

• Column 1: Application: OSS_MSG

• Column 2: + : W

• Column 3: RFC Destination:  <RFC destination for the SAP Solution Manager system>

• Column 4: + : CUST620

• Column 5: + : 1.0

IT Service Management

1. Check Prerequisites

Pay attention to activity Check and Correct Number Range Intervals, all other steps must be already executed correctly.

2. Perform Standard Configuration

2.1. Configure Manually

- Copy Transaction Type

Copy preconfigured transaction types into the customer namespace, for example from SMIN to ZMIN. After installing a new SP/FP you should update the already copied transaction types with the newly shipped SAP standard configuration. Only transaction types that have been created with this function can be updated. SAP provides report AI_CRM_CPY_PROCTYPE for this function.

- Define Copy Control

- Specify Mapping Rules

- Define Proposals for Rel. Transactions

- Enable Switches for ITSM

Please activate the functions that you really need.

- Maintain SAP Customer Number

In this manual activity, you maintain your SAP customer number(s) to use basic SAP Solution Manager functions.

You have to synchronize basic information about your customer number initially from SAP Service and Support Backbone into your Solution Manager. Therefore, you start the standard report AI_SC_GET_SAP_CUSTOMER_NUMBERS from within the IMG via Activity Maintain SAP Customer Numbers ->  Generate SAP Customer Numbers. The report automatically fills maintenance view V_AISAPCUSTNOS.

Finally, you already scheduled the job REFRESH_ADMIN_DATA_FROM_SUPPORT during the Basic Setup of your Solution Manager system. As a result, it will create all systems of the customer number that are known at SAP in the Solution Manager LMDB. Details about the installation information will be filled in the maintenance view V_AIINSNRS.

In case of a VAR scenario you will need to go to this path in Customizing: /nspro-> SAP Solution Manager Implementation Guide-> SAP Solution Manager-> SAP Partner -> Service Provider.

2.2. Maintain Transaction Type

Ensure that you have selected the correct Scenario for your working transaction types, select it depending on your Incident Management scenario.

Ensure that you select Channel CRM UI if you want to work with document of the transaction type in sm_crm.

2.3. Configure Automatically

-Create Hierarchy for Service Products

- Activate BI Content

- Schedule Extractors

- Activate Categorization Scheme

- Schedule Background Job

- Maintain BCOS_CUST

- Add Contact Person to Business Partners

In this automatic activity, you can add the role Contact Person to all existing Business Partners of type person. The role Contact Person is needed to use Business Partners in the WebClient UI.

- Adjust Transactions from Sol. Mgr. 7.0

2.4. Create Template Users

3. Perform Optional Configuration

3.1 Configure Manually

- Maintain Impact, Priority, and Urgency

- Maintain Solution Categories

- Knowledge Articles: Define Auth. Scopes

- Maintain Categorization Schema

- Configure ITSM Analytics

- Set up TREX for Search

- Configure Service Request Management

- Create Hierarchy for Service Catalog

- Configure Service Level Agreement

- Adapt Action Profiles

- Adapt Status Profiles

- Adapt Text Profiles

- Adapt Partner Profiles

- Adapt Date Profiles

- Set Up Automatic Confirmation of Message

- Restrict Transaction Types for BI

3.2 Set Up E-Mail Notification

- Activate PPF

- Adapt E-Mail Templates

- Define Survey Forms Optional

- Adapt Smart Forms

4. Configure Landscape

4.1 Prepare External Integration

4.2 Select Managed Systems

Here you can select a system that you want to check in next step

4.3 Perform Prerequisites

- Check BACK RFC



- Check iBase Entry

5. Perform Administrative

5.1 Create Users and Business Partners

- Retrieve Users from LDAP Optional

- Maintain Users and Business Partners

- Maintain AISUSER

You have to assign an SAP Support Portal user to the Solman users who communicate with the SAP Support Portal by sending incidents to the SAP Support. Use transaction AISUSER to do so. The contact you maintain is the S user in SAP Support Portal without 'S'.

If Solman is used to manage only one SAP customer number, proceed as follows:

E nter a Solution Manager user (SU01 user) in the User field. Assign an SAP Support Portal contact person (S user without S) in the Contact field.

The input help only shows entries if background job REFRESH_ADMIN_DATA_FROM_SUPPORT has already run.

If that is not the case, you do not have an input help yet and a warning message is output for each manual entry because the S user is not found. You should therefore assign the contact person only for the user of the system administrator (under whose user the job is set up).

Once the background job has run successfully, you should maintain the contact persons of all other employees. Save the data.

If Solman is used to manage several SAP customer numbers (Business Add-In AI_SDK_SP_RFC_RP is activated) and not all users active in Solution Manager have the full authorization (CCC authorization) for these customer numbers, you have to assign to the Solman user an S user for each SAP customer number in table AISUSER, and this S user must have the authorization for this customer number.

For the corresponding functions, this enables the system to determine a suitable S user for each SAP customer number. If you have activated the Business Add-In AI_SDK_SP_RFC_RP under the IMG node Several SAP Customer Numbers, the maintenance view for AISUSER contains 3 columns, one for the SAP Customer Number column. In this case, you have two options for maintenance:

In the SAP Customer Number field, enter the SAP customer number of the user. Then, in the Contact Person field, use the input help to assign the corresponding SAP Support Portal contact person (S user without S). In this case, the input help shows all valid entries for the selected SAP customer number. Leave the SAP Customer Number field blank and immediately use the input help for the Contact Person field. In this case, the S users of all SAP customer numbers are displayed. You can copy the customer number and the S user in one step.

In each case, a user can only ever be assigned one contact person per customer number.

Note: In table AISUSER, you also have to specify an S user for each customer number for users with CCC authorization. In transaction DNO_CUST04, if you set parameter ONE_CCC_USER_FOR_ALL_CUST to 'X', in contrast, you only have to maintain the corresponding S user for the CCC customer number. For more information, see SAP Note 1443531.

To reduce the amount of maintenance work required for transaction AISUSER, you can proceed as follows:

Start program SOLMAN_CREATE_AIUSER_ENTRIES. It does not perform any updates in test mode but only shows possible errors and successful updates. Deselect the test indicator to create the entries. Use program SOLMAN_COPY_AIUSERS to copy a template user.

- Create BPs for Business Units

Here you need to create the BP, for example, for the sold-to parties.

5.2 Create Organizational Model

- Create Business Partner for OrgUnits

If you have decided to create an Organization Model, then the BP should be created automatically when the Organization Unit (OU) is created. If this is not the case you can run HRALXSYNC to get the BPs created; Select the Organizational Units checkbox, and choose the Execute pushbutton.

Select the organizational units that do not have a business partner.

To create business partners for the selected organizational units, choose the Start Repair pushbutton.

- Define Organizational Model

The organizational model reflects the functional structure of your company.

It consists of organizational units which represent how the company is structured in terms of functions and positions which specify how different functions / tasks are assigned to individual posts. An organizational model can be used in various scenarios.

For example, you can represent support teams as organizational units, which is important for the set-up of support team determination. More details in Support Team Determination via Business Rule Framework plus guide


- Define Determination of Sold-to-Party

In this activity, you can define the determination of the sold-to party. When creating incidents, the sold-to party can be determined automatically. The determination method is part of the partner determination procedure assigned to the transaction type you are using.

If you are using a copy of the SAP delivered transaction type SMIN with partner determination procedure SMIN0001, the SAP standard is to determine the sold-to party automatically via the IBase component assigned to the incident.

To use the sold-to party determination via assigned IBase component, proceed as follows: Choose transaction IB52 via the navigation link and select the IBase with external ID SOL_MAN_DATA_REP. Choose Enter. Select the IBase component for which a specific sold-to party shall be found. From the menu, choose Goto -> Partner and enter the number of the business partner for the sold-to party using partner function sold-to party.

You can also maintain the sold-to party on a higher-level component and maintain the inheritance settings to ensure the business partner is being found on lower-level components as well.

To maintain the inheritance, choose in Customizing Customer Relationship Management -> Master Data -> Installed Base -> Installed Base Category. Proceed as follows: Execute the Customizing activity Activate Partner and Address Inheritance. For IBase Category 01, set the flag in column PInherit. Save your changes.

- Determine Support Team

6. Configure UI

Related Content

Solman_setup documentation of each activity

SAP Note 1935934: Various problems when creating IBase components and objects

Sap Solution Manager Incident Management Configuration Guide
